Friday 18 April 2014

A Brand new Blog!

You may have noticed that my blog's looking a little different today. That's because I've moved!

After battling with Wordpress, I've thrown in the towel on trying to get my posts to appear as I'd like them and not how wordpress thinks they should look. So now I'm a Blogger blogger! :)

I hope you like the new site! I will be back here soon with more posts, but for now, I've added in everything from 2014 and all of my tutorials so you have something to browse while I sort myself out :)

 Thanks for joining me! I hope you'll stick around!

 Caroline x


  1. Yay I am the first follower...oh yeah...go me :) Welcome to blogger...your page already looks better than mine!

  2. Yay, I'm not a Billy no mates any more! Thanks Laney xxx

  3. Welcome to blogger. I find it easy to use and the only change I am considering is purchasing my own domain name so it doesn't have blogger in the address.

    1. Thanks Shaiha! I've just set up the redirect to mine, so the old site brings you here. It's not much per year to have your own domain, I'd go for it! :)


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